
Thoughts, opinions, and ideas.

Sep 28, 2023

Event Sourcing with Ruby and AWS Serverless Technologies - Part Four: Aggregate Persistence

How complex objects are persisted and rehydrated using the repository pattern and how guarantees are made by using Optimistic Locking strategy.

May 28, 2023

Event Sourcing with Ruby and AWS Serverless Technologies - Part Three: The Event Store and DynamoDB

What an event store is, which responsibilities it has in an event sourcing system, and building its first component with DynamoDB.

Apr 15, 2023

Event Sourcing with Ruby and AWS Serverless Technologies - Part Two: Aggregate Design

How Aggregates are designed and the role events play in altering their state.

Apr 2, 2023

Event Sourcing with Ruby and AWS Serverless Technologies - Part One: System Design

Design of an event sourcing system and how Change Data Capture is achieved. Examines how this is accomplished using DynamoDB, Kinesis, Lambda, S3, SQS, and Terraform.

Apr 1, 2023

Event Sourcing with Ruby and AWS Serverless Technologies - Introduction

Building an event sourcing application in Ruby with the power of AWS Serverless technologies

Mar 20, 2023

6 Line Micro Testing Framework

A portable and dependency free micro testing framework useful in remote situations